What is Ethical Hacking?

The term ‘Hacker’ was initially used to describe experts who applied their skills to re-develop mainframe systems, enhancing their efficiency and allowing them to multitask. Nowadays, the term generally refers to skilled programmers who gain unauthorized access to computer systems by exploiting weaknesses or bugs, often driven by malice or mischief. For instance, a hacker can create algorithms to crack passwords, infiltrate networks, or even disrupt network services. Explore the realm of ethical hacking, an authorized practice identifying vulnerabilities. Enhance your skills with an Ethical Hacking Course in Chennai for robust network security.

Ethical Hacking

Ethical hacking refers to the authorized practice of identifying vulnerabilities in an application, system, or organization’s infrastructure. This involves bypassing system security to detect potential data breaches and threats in a network. Ethical hackers aim to investigate the system or network for weak points that malicious hackers can exploit or destroy. By doing so, they can help improve the security footprint of the network or system, making it better equipped to withstand attacks and mitigate potential damage. 

The company that owns the system or network permits cybersecurity engineers to perform such activities to test the system’s defences. Therefore, unlike malicious hacking, this process is planned, approved, and, most importantly, legal.

Ethical hackers investigate systems or networks to identify vulnerabilities that malicious hackers could exploit or destroy. They collect and analyze information to figure out ways to strengthen the security of the network, system, or applications. By doing so, they can enhance the security footprint and make it more resilient to attacks or divert them away.

Organizations hire ethical hackers intending to identify vulnerabilities in their systems and networks. The primary goal of these ethical hackers is to develop solutions that can prevent data breaches. This can be considered a modern-day version of the old saying, “It takes a thief to catch a thief.”

They check for critical vulnerabilities include but are not limited to:

  • Injection attacks
  • Changes in security settings
  • Exposure to sensitive data
  • Breach in authentication protocols
  • Components used in the system or network that may be used as access points

What are the Different Types of Hackers?

White Hat hacking is the practice of ethical hacking performed by White Hat hackers. It involves using legal and authorized techniques to test the security of a system. On the other hand, Black Hat hacking describes practices that involve security violations. Black hat hackers employ unlawful methods to breach computer systems or erase data.

Grey Hat hackers differ from White Hat hackers because they do not ask for permission before accessing your system. However, they are not the same as Black Hat hackers because they do not hack systems for personal or third-party gain. Grey Hat hackers often engage in hacking for fun or other reasons, exploring various aspects of hacking through a Hacking Course Online. They do not harbour malicious intentions and usually inform the owner of any threats they discover. It’s worth noting that both Grey Hat and Black Hat hacking are illegal, as both types of hackers engage in unauthorized system breaches, even if their intentions differ.

White Hat Hacker vs Black Hat Hacker 

One should examine their motives to distinguish between White Hat and Black Hat hackers. Black Hat hackers are driven by malicious intent, which can be personal gain, profit, or harassment. On the other hand, White Hat hackers search for and fix vulnerabilities to prevent Black Hats from exploiting them.

The other ways to distinguish between White Hat and Black Hat hackers include:

Techniques Used

  • White Hat hackers use the techniques and methods of malicious hackers to identify system vulnerabilities. They replicate the steps followed by malicious hackers to find out how a system attack occurred or may occur. When they identify a weak point in the system or network, they immediately report it and fix the flaw.


  • White Hat hacking, though using the same techniques as Black Hat hacking, is legally acceptable, unlike Black Hat hackers, who penetrate systems without permission and break the law.


  • Organizations hire White Hat hackers to detect security issues, while Black Hat hackers neither own the system nor work for the owner.

Exploring the world of ethical hacking can be an exciting journey, especially considering the numerous training opportunities available. If you’re based in Chennai and eager to enhance your skills, finding a reputable Ethical Hacking Training Institute in Chennai could be the key to gaining practical knowledge and hands-on experience.