We appreciate your interest in being a website contributor! We are thrilled to have guest writers that are passionate about producing insightful and unique content in the following areas: Trending Topics in Education, Health & Wellness, Entertainment, Sports, and Real Estate.

Please take a moment to read our guest posting guidelines before submitting your content.

Content Guidelines:

Uniqueness: We expect content that is 100% unique and has not been published elsewhere. Plagiarised or AI-generated content will not be approved.

Link Policy: You are permitted to include one link in your post. This link should be relevant and add value to the content. Affiliate links, spammy links, or links to unrelated topics are not allowed.

Length :  Understanding the value of in-depth and comprehensive content, we require articles to be at least 800 words. This ensures our readers receive thorough insights and detailed analyses on topics that captivate their interest.

SEO Meta tags:  Meta titles should briefly encapsulate the content in 50 to 65 characters, incorporating relevant keywords. Meta descriptions need to offer a concise summary within 155 to 160 characters. Each article should also include an image with descriptive alt text.

Quality: We highly value well-researched, informative, and engaging content. Please ensure that your content is of exceptional quality and provides value to our readers.

Relevance: Your content should align with one of our categories: Education, Entertainment, Trending Topics, Sports, Real Estate, or Health and wellness. Marketing content and unrelated topics will not be approved.

Respectful and Appropriate:Content that is gambling or adult in nature is not accepted. A wide audience should be catered to with courteous and acceptable content.

Review Process:

Your submission will be carefully evaluated by our editorial team to make sure it complies with our quality and content standards. Please give us some time so we can carefully review your submission. If your story is approved, we’ll let you know when it will be published.

Submit Your Guest Post

If you have followed all the guidelines mentioned above, please drop us an email with your content attached. Submit your guest post to: guestpostingwebsites@gmail.com


If a submission doesn’t follow our criteria, we have the right to edit, change, or reject it. You give us permission to use and modify your content as needed by submitting it.

We value your involvement in our community and your assistance in providing our readers with top-notch material. I’m grateful.